Expofrancicias en IFEMA 2019
Expofrancicias en IFEMA 2019
Expofrancicias en IFEMA 2019
This website uses its own and third-party cookies to offer a better service.
If you go on surfing, we will consider you accepting its use. You will find more information in our.
ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR herewith informs Users about the use of cookies on its web pages.
Cookies are files that can be downloaded to your computer through web pages. They are tools that play an essential role in the provision of numerous information society services. Among others, they allow a website to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information obtained, they can be used to recognize the user and improve the service provided.Tipos de cookies
Depending on the entity that manages the domain from which the cookies are delivered and thereafter handles the data obtained, there are two types of cookies: First-party cookies and third-party cookies.
There is also a second classification according to the period of time that the cookies remain stored on the client's browser, and these are called session cookies or persistent cookies.
Finally, there is one other classification with five types of cookies depending on the purpose for which the data obtained is thereafter processed: technical cookies, customization cookies, analysis cookies, advertising cookies and behavioral advertising cookies.
For more information in this regard you can consult the Guide on the use of cookies from the Spanish Data Protection Agency..
Cookies used on this Website
To follow, the cookies that in use on this website will be identified, together with their typology and function:
The ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service developed by Google, which allows the measurement and analysis of website navigation. In your browser you will see cookies for this service. According to the previous classification, these are session and analysis cookies. You can find more information about them and disable the use of these cookies at https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads?hl=es.
Through web analytics, information is obtained regarding the number of users accessing the website, the number of page views, the frequency and repetition of visits, their duration, the browser used, the operator providing the service, the language , the terminal used, or the city to which the IP address is assigned. All information that enables a better and more appropriate service to be provided by this website.
Another of the cookies that are downloaded is a technical type and is called cookies_policy. It manages the user's consent for the use of cookies on the website, for the purposes of remembering those users who have accepted them and those who have not, so that the former are not shown repetitive information at the top of the page in this regard.
Acceptance of Cookies Policy
ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR assumes that you accept the use of cookies. However, information about its Cookies Policy is displayed at the bottom of each of the Website pages, with each login, in order to ensure user awareness.
In relation to this information, the following actions can be taken:
How to modify the configuration of cookies
You can restrict, block or delete ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR cookies or those of any other website, by using your browser. Each browser operates differently, the "Help" function will show you how to do it.
In addition, you can also manage the storage of cookies on your browser via tools such as the following:
General conditions of use for the website https://asasur.es/
1.- Introduction
he purpose of this document is to establish and regulate the rules of use of the Website asasur.es (hereinafter the "Website"), whereby the Website and all of its contents are the property of ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR, accessed through the domain asasur.es and its sub-domains.
Use of the Website bestows the descriptor of User of same and implies acceptance of all the terms and conditions included in this Legal Notice. The User agrees to read this Legal Notice carefully on each occasion that they intend to use the Website, as both this Notice and the conditions of use contained in this Legal Notice may be modified.
2.- Ownership of the Website.
Owner of this Website is ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR, with address at C/ Las camelias nº 10 06010 Badajoz (Badajoz) España. CIF: B06692594
You can contact us on the following telephone number or e-mail:
Tel: 955 864 785
e-mail: info@asasur.es
3.- Intellectual and Industrial Property.
The intellectual property rights to this Website are owned by ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR. The unauthorized reproduction, distribution, commercialization or transformation, total or partial, of the contents of the Website, unless it is for personal and private use, constitute an infringement of the intellectual property rights of ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR. Likewise, all brands or distinctive signs of any kind contained within the Website are protected by Law. Any unauthorized use of the information contained in this Website, as well as any prejudice caused to the intellectual and industrial property rights of ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR , may give rise to the exercise of any actions that legally correspond and, where applicable, to the responsibilities that derive from this exercise of rights.
4.- Exclusion of responsibility.
The contents, programs, information and/or advice expressed on this Website should be understood as merely indicative. ASASUR CHICKEN ASADOR does not respond in any way to the effectiveness or accuracy thereof, being exempt from any contractual or extra-contractual liability with Users vis-à-vis any use they may make of said contents, since they are the ones that must decide at their discretion whether it may be opportune to do so.
This Website may publish content contributed by third parties or companies, ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR is not responsible for the veracity and accuracy thereof, being exempt from any contractual or extra-contractual liability in relation to Users who subsequently make use of them.
ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR reserves the right to modify the content of the Website without prior notice and without any type of limitation.
ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR rejects any responsibility for any damages that may be caused by the lack of availability and/or continuity of this Website and the services offered therein.
ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements on the website that may cause alterations in your computer system. ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR declines any contractual or extra-contractual liability in relation to Users who make use of the Website and experience damages of any kind caused by computer viruses or computer elements of any kind.
ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR declines any responsibility for services that may be provided on the Website by third parties.
ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR declines any responsibility for the services and/or information provided by other Websites linked to it. ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR does not control or exercise any kind of supervision over third-party websites. We advise users of them to act with caution and consult any available legal conditions that are displayed on such websites.
Users who send any kind of information to ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR undertake that such information is accurate and that it does not violate any third party rights, or current legislation.
5.- Conditions of use of the Portal for users.
Access to this Website is free except for the connection cost charged by a telecommunications network for internet provision as contracted by users.
It is expressly forbidden to use the Website for purposes that are prejudicial or harmful to either the property or interests of ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR, or of third parties, or that in any other way overload, damage or disable the networks, servers and other computer equipment (hardware) or computer products and applications (software) of ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR, or third parties.
In the event that the User is aware that any of the Websites linked to contain webpages whose content or services are illegal, harmful, degrading, violent or contrary to good morals, we would appreciate it if they would contact ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR.
6. Legislation.
The present Legal Notice is governed in each and every eventuality by Spanish legislation.
7. Contact us.
If you have any questions about the conditions outlined in this Legal Notice, or if you would like to make any suggestion or recommendation, please contact us via the following email address: info@asasur.es
Mediante la aceptación de la presente Política de Privacidad, el usuario queda informado y presta su consentimiento libre, informado, específico e inequívoco para que los datos personales que facilite a ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR a través de sus sitios web, por correo electrónico o de forma presencial, sean tratados por ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR con el fin de prestarles el servicio solicitado y atender sus demandas. Los datos proporcionados se conservarán mientras no solicite el cese de la actividad.
Los datos solicitados por ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR son con carácter general, obligatorios (salvo que se especifique lo contrario) para cumplir con las finalidades establecidas. Por lo tanto, si no se facilitan los mismos o no se facilitan correctamente no podrán atenderse las mismas.
Los únicos datos personales a los que ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR, tendrá acceso a través de sus sitios web serán aquellos que el usuario facilite voluntariamente, así como aquellos otros recogidos a través de las cookies instaladas
Los datos del usuario que facilita sus datos a través de los formularios de contacto y empleo serán tratados durante el plazo necesario para dar respuesta a la solicitud y hasta que prescriban las acciones legales. ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR no utilizará estos datos para el envío de comunicaciones comerciales.
ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR tratará datos de contacto para las comunicaciones. En caso de que el usuario facilite datos de terceros, manifiesta contar con el consentimiento de los mismos y se compromete a trasladarle la información contenida en la Política de Privacidad, eximiendo a ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR de cualquier responsabilidad en este sentido. No obstante, ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR podrá llevar a cabo las verificaciones periódicas para constatar este hecho, adoptando las medidas de diligencia debida que correspondan, conforme a la normativa de protección de datos.
El tratamiento de los datos del usuario por parte de ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR está basado en el consentimiento que se le solicita y que puede retirar en cualquier momento. No obstante, en caso de retirar su consentimiento, ello no afectará a la licitud de los tratamientos efectuados con anterioridad. Los consentimientos obtenidos para las finalidades mencionadas son independientes por lo que el usuario podrá revocar solo uno de ellos no afectando a los demás.
Los datos del usuario serán utilizados exclusivamente por ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR y excepcionalmente por las Administraciones Públicas en los casos previstos por la Ley.
El usuario garantiza que es mayor de 18 años y que los datos que facilita a ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR son verdaderos, exactos, completos y actualizados. A estos efectos, el usuario responde de la veracidad de todos los datos que comunique y mantendrá convenientemente actualizada la información facilitada, de tal forma que responda a su situación real. Garantiza que ha informado a los terceros de los que facilite sus datos, en caso de hacerlo, de los aspectos contenidos en este documento. Asimismo, garantiza que ha obtenido su autorización para facilitar sus datos a ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR para los fines señalados. Será responsable de las informaciones falsas o inexactas que proporcione a través de los sitios web y de los daños y perjuicios, directos o indirectos, que ello cause a ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR o a terceros.
El consentimiento otorgado por el usuario podrá ser revocado mediante notificación dirigida a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: info@asasur.es o bien por correo ordinario dirigido a ASASUR FRANQUICIAS S.L. Avd. María Auxiliadora, 19 41710 · Utrera (Sevilla), con la Referencia "Protección de Datos", adjuntando fotocopia de su documento de identidad, en cualquier momento y de manera gratuita, para:
ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR tratará los datos del usuario en todo momento de forma absolutamente confidencial y guardando el preceptivo deber de secreto respecto de los mismos, de conformidad con lo previsto en la normativa de aplicación, adoptando al efecto las medidas de índole técnica y organizativas necesarias que garanticen la seguridad de sus datos y eviten su alteración, pérdida, tratamiento o acceso no autorizado, habida cuenta del estado de la tecnología, la naturaleza de los datos almacenados y los riesgos a que están expuestos. ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR informa a nuestros clientes que todos los servidores que utilizamos se encuentran en centros de datos de la Unión Europea y cumplen con todos los requisitos expuestos en el reglamento.
Última actualización: 25 de Mayo de 2018
Copyright © ASASUR FRANQUICIAS S.L. Todos los derechos reservados
Responsable: ASASUR FRANQUICIAS S.L.. Dirección Postal. C/ Las camelias nº 10 06010 Badajoz (Badajoz) España
"En nombre de ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR, tratamos la información que nos facilita con el fin de prestarles el servicio solicitado y atender sus demandas. Los datos proporcionados se conservarán mientras no solicite el cese de la actividad. Los datos no se cederán a terceros salvo en los casos en que exista una obligación legal. Usted tiene derecho a obtener confirmación sobre si en ASADOR DE POLLOS ASASUR estamos tratando sus datos personales, por tanto tiene derecho a acceder a sus datos personales, rectificar los datos inexactos o solicitar su supresión cuando los datos ya no sean necesarios. Asimismo solicitamos su autorización para darlo de alta en nuestra base de datos y enviarle futuras comunicaciones."
Autorización recogida datos